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: [HOE] cyborg armour

i have in my posse a cyborg, he has the av 6 borg armour. what i need to know 
is what would be the durability rating of this item. i only ask because av6 
is ruining my campaign.
im after a fair system for both of us, the power armour rules say for every 
wound that goes through lower the av by one, but that really sucks. i would 
prefer a durability like vehicles etc.
he has an arcane shield ( stops most to all powers from affecting him)
a targeting system( ignores 6 points of modifiers)
a system that ignores all offhand shooting modifiers( gives him two gun kid 
cyber legs that can add 12 to his pace for each point of drain he uses.
as you can see he is a one man posse.
second question does the targeting system negate the penaties for each of his 
attacks or only for one weapon ? 
third question three- does a sru repair only cyber wear or does it mend his 
normal body aswell?
                             a frustrated marshall