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Re: [HOE] Borg Questions

At 07:32 AM 11/6/2000, you wrote:
>The group has some borg questions - any help would be appreciated.
>Regarding Harrowed Powers:
>1. While Relic is listed as a Harrowed Power, would it be considered one
>in terms of a Borg's power focus?

Yes. You can have no more then five levels of Harrowed powers (if you have 
PF5) at a time. a level 3 relic would be three of those levels, leaving two 
for other powers.

>2. How do you handle Supernatural Traits?  Are they always "on" or do
>you deal with the micro-management of the power focus, spending drain,
>each time you want access to them?  If the later is the case, how do you
>deal with stats that modify other elements such as skill points, wind,

Yes, they take levels as well.

STs don't affect skill points.  They can affect Rolls, but not skill points.

You have more wind with them up. :-)

OK, here down I am fuzzier.

>Regarding Samson:
>1. In the description, does slots = mounts?  Is this just a typo?

book not handy can't say

>2. What exactly are the consequence for not taking Samson in all
>locations?  Is balance effected?  Pace?  What happens exactly?

My understanding, I may be wrong, is it does not work.

>3. If you HAVE to take it in all locations, why bother with seperate

to get the total.

>4.  If you take it in all locations, are you paying 2 drain or 10 (or 12
>if you also have it in your head)?

Book not handy can't say.

>Regarding Drain:
>1.  Drain for limbs makes sense, but why exactly do you require 1 point
>of drain for a head and torso?  I can imagine some obvious explanations,
>but this isn't defined - what happens exactly if you choose not to (or
>cannot) pay the drain?

they don't work and you collapse, assumedly

>2.  Why exactly does armor (as in the type that is basically metal
>pieces strapped to your frame) require drain?  Again - what happens if
>you don't pay for it?

the armour does require drain because of the servos and other compensators 
for weight.  Without the drain, at least for heavier armours, you cannot 
move, IIRC.

>Thanks in advance.
>Matt Steflik
>Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik