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[HOE] RE: Almanac questions

Thank you!  If you have a spare one, let me know.  I'd love one...

Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 00:31:17 EST
From: Dusarat@aol.com
Subject: [HOE] Ideas

First of all, Mr. Cone, I want to be in YOUR campaign, you joyfully twisted 

For this one, I'm afraid that I'm having a dork moment. Which adventure are
you referring to?

Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:06:32 -0600
From: matt@severian.chi.il.us
Subject: Re: [HOE] Adventure thoughts 

Wow, something struck me as familiar, so I leafed through all the
published adventures I have on hand and found what it was.  If you're
normally an HOE player rather than a Marshal I don't want to give
away anything that may yet be used against you, so to speak, but in
any case it turns out the points of similarity aren't too numerous.

Sounds great to me -- the only problem will be to keep the posse from
getting too rich off the spoils!
Heh. Sorry about that. The term "cubic ton" is usually made in reference to
shipping weights and actual square footage taken up by the material being
shipped. After a quick search, a cubic ton turns out to be about 40 cubic
feet, give or take the size of the shipping containers. How's that for a
mother lode!
Another Heh. A nice, sadistic marshal would give the players the ghost rock
and then let them deal with the logistical problems of a forty-plus foot
shipping container full of unstable wunder dust. Not to mention the fact
that somebody else is going to get wind of the fact that the PC's have the
aforementioned shipping container...

Or to spin a riff from Broken Arrow, "Will you please stop shooting at the
boxcar full of FLAMMABLE EXPLOSIVE!!!"

What in the Hell on Earth is a "cubic ton"?
(Can you fit it into one square acre?)