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Re: [HOE] Faith and Protection

That depends on what you consider a major threat.  Protection won't help
against an HI caseless round, an atomic blast, a duststorm, starvation,
radiation, wild animals or scavenging muties.  It would protect against
abominations, but not that effectively.  I'd even go and make Servitors
immune to the miracle.  I think the main reason is that the mechanics for
Blessed miracles would've been a waste of space in HoE, and the faiths
that are presented in the book aren't like normal religions.  If you want
the Glow to protect you from a werewolf, learn Nuke.
I don't have the Blessed rules with me, but do they have to make a test
o' Faith roll when a miracle like Protection fails?  I think that might
be a good idea.

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 15:54:46 -0500 "B.D. Flory" <bflory@frontiernet.net>

> Also, I'd keep in mind that protection probably wasn't included in 
> HoE for a reason: it really hoses the setting, giving the PC protection

> against most of the major threats.

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo
"Long live the legend, it'll outlive us"
-Violent Femmes, "Death Drugs"

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