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RE: [HOE] Cyborg question

> I anticipate a number of "We're all there to have fun and I don't
> want to ruin that for my player" responses.  I respect and understand
> that, but would those of you who let players choose cyborgs for that
> reason also let them choose to be harrowed for the same reason?  (I'm
> curious - not arguing.)
> Hank

If a player doesn't choose cyborg, then cyborgs can't happen.  They aren't
built anymore (except in a couple spoiler filled places, but we can't talk
about those, nor really get dead PCs into and then out of there).  Harrowed
can happen during play by drawing the right cards, but once dead and back
there's no way to add parts.  (Unless I'm missing something from one of the
newer source books, I'm about 3 behind because my store is about 3 behind.)

As a marshal, I allow players to choose both Harrowed and Cyborg (and just
about anything else) at the start.  I also hound them mercilessly with the
manitou or AI or BOTH.  All harrowed (no cyborgs yet...) have wound up put
down by the rest of the posse.  Except one, he lost dominion and is waiting
in the wings for me to spring on the posse at the right time.  (There've
been 3.)

So far our group has found the character types to be balanced.  We've
trusted PEG and their playtesting, and so far we haven't been let down.
Maybe we just play in a similar style to the playtesters, or I'm harsh
enough with the drawbacks to the very powerful character types.  You want to
be a walking tank, you've got to live with the meddling autopilot.  You want
to be a walking nuke (purple or green), you've got to live with the distrust
from normal folk.  We also play Weird West, and if you want to be a
Huckster, you live with the chance that the manitou will pull your guts out
thru your nose.  Hucksters drawbacks are "built-in" to the card draws and
dice rolls, with a table of results.  Cyborgs, Harrowed, etc need work from
the marshal.

Jeff "2 cents is cheap!" Y.