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Re: [HOE] Lightsaber

well, shich is more noticable.  a bee humming in the background?  or large
calliber fire, anywhere?  you be the judge.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Holland" <robert@macauley.com>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [HOE] Lightsaber

> >You have to HAVE shield to make a lightsaber-type weapon, but you don't
> >actually use Sheild in the construction.  This one confounded the Hell
> >outta me the first time, but I figured it out eventually.
> >The other nice thing about having Spirit Weapon with a lightsaber is that
> >it on'y affects targets with spirits; hece it ignores armor altogether.
> >Stick a gun broweser in that thing to compensate for the heinous Drain
> >and you've got a nice handy silent killer.
> Eh, even a 6-point gun browser is not gonna help a whole awful lot with
> something that pulls 40 drain per round. Also lightsabers, at least in the
> movies, aren't all that stealthy--there's the whole glowing, humming
> yours might certainly be different. And I suppose you could just tiptoe up
> behind someone with a deactivated 'saber hilt, put it up behind their
head, and
> pull the trigger. :)
> --Robert Holland
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