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Re: [HOE] What the..? [going toward OT]

$7 a ticket? Geez, that's a lot. I paid $5. I know a theatre in NY where it
costs $10 for a ticket, or $2 to sneak in for free.

So, does Irons end up playing Throckmorton, or do we leave that to the guy who
played Kano [MK1]?

--- Nick Zachariasen <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu> wrote:
> > My friends and I have found that this movie is a LOT more fun if you don't
> try
> > to take it at all seriously, but instead as a tongue-in-cheek send-up of
> every
> > stereotypical, poorly-conceived D&D campaign you've ever seen. It's
> wonderfully
> > successful at this even if it is completely accidental...
> Granted, you have a bit of a point, but it's still loaded with the
> three-letter term that I coined: car wreck value.  Irons' performance,
> satirical as it may have been, was still too horrid to not tell people about
> if they're going to be paying upwards of $7.00 a ticket.
> Nick Zachariasen

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058, AIM ID: DaidojiArichi
Daidoji Arichi, Scorpion Clan Bodyguard
"Know where your sword is. Always." - Shinriko
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