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Re: [HOE] Templars? Advanced Posse? WAS: Cyborgs to unbalancing was AboutRules of Engagement...

--- Theo McGuckin <tsm@jlab.org> wrote:
> Our posse is still pretty young. The Doomie JUST raised his faith to 6d12.
> My Greenie now has a 4d10 blastin' (hey, she started at 1d10 and sat there
> for a long time) and 6 powers (she found a US Syker's Handbook!). The
> templar has... three blessings in the mid/low-range (1-3ish) and two
> martyr's. The other syker has 11 powers, but hasn't uped her blastin' to
> 6d12 yet. Finally the Law Dog has a 4d12+4 quickness (he drew the mutation
> that ups yor quickness and str. die types by two, funny thing is his
> quickness was originally 1d12, talk about all or nothing!)

Yeah. That mutation just *had* to come up in my open-book game a year ago - to
a 4d12'd quickness guy :)

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058, AIM ID: DaidojiArichi
Daidoji Arichi, Scorpion Clan Bodyguard 
With revolutionary veal,
Cao Tse Tung, the Bovine Revolutionary
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