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Re: [HOE] Junker Hindrance: Perfectionist

Sounds very cool, definitely going into my book O' things Deadlands from the net.
One question, what does the perfectionist junker do about flaws intentionally put
into a device in order to save space?  Will he use them at all, use only minor


Robert Holland wrote:

> Perfectionist   1/3/5
> Most junkers are perfectly happy to duct tape a circuit board to a bicycle wheel
> and some copper tubing and go. Not this brainer. He can't stand the thought of
> the fruits of his imagination being substandard or unreliable. For a dude whose
> artistic medium is discarded scrap, that's a pretty tall order.
> Your junker refuses to accept any device that doesn't meet a certain minimum
> Stability. If one of his devices either doesn't meet that requirement after
> construction or drops permanently below it due to instability, he'll tear it
> down to components and start again. While this guarantees that his devices will
> be exceptionally stable, he tends to spend a *lot* more time than usual building
> and rebuilding them...and those backlash draws add up pretty quick.
> For one point, your picky hero requires a 18 Stability for his devices; for
> three, he's gotta have at least a 20 or it's no good; and for five, your
> bizarrely obsessive waster has got to have a 22 Stability for every device he
> makes. Remember each rebuilding attempt requires a separate backlash draw. A
> Perfectionist isn't necessarily stupid; he'll accept a substandard device (at
> least temporarily) if it's important to his immediate survival, though he'll
> tear it down and try again the next chance he gets. His standards for this vary
> with the level of the Hindrance; a 1-point Perfectionist who just finished a 16
> Stability plasmacaster will have no qualms about using it on the Black Hat
> patrol that just screeched around the corner, while a 5-point Perfectionist will
> be unhappy about using a 16 Stability bomb-disarming robot on a City-Buster
> that's set to go off in 15 minutes.
> What do you think?
> --Robert Holland
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