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Re: [HOE] A New Group!!!

--- Bryce Undy <q9821328@mail.connect.usq.edu.au> wrote:
> Howdy Folks,
> Some of you may remember I posted a while ago.  Well I finally got a posse
> together and I thought I tell you all about it.
> My Posse consist of Two Law Dogs, a Road Warrior, a templar and a Junker

Scary. This is asking for trouble (from their point of view. I expect you'll
have fun with it).

> The Templar used to be a courier for the mob pre-war, but eventually hooked
> up with the Templars.  Rather heroic, his come close the getting himself
> killed at least once every session so far.  I just wish he wait for the
> wounds to heal a bit before tearing the stiches.  We have the Templar book,
> and I'm thinking of giving him the Ronan Lynch Matryr.  Marshals out there
> may know what I mean.

You mean the one that was martyred in the rush for a new Deadlands product, and
bestows benefits on those who actively buy Deadlands products, whether or not
they're a templar? :)

> I have a pacifist Junker, who finds violence a completely foreign concept. 
> Her #1 item is this Masking Tape Gun.  It shoots enhanced masking tape out to
> a range of twenty metres, wrapping its self around the target, tying it up,
> but leaving it unharmed.  She may either cut the tape with a second switch or
> use the tape to pull things towards her.  Last session she also spent 10
> hours creating the ultimate electric drill, (2d20), to open a safe.  The
> drill promtly had a melt down when first used.

Poor gal. I like the idea of a pacifist junker, tho.

> The Road Warrior is kinda bit strange.  She took purty, soothing voice, and
> randy.  Which really sums up her character. 

For a +8 to all persuasion rolls, or a +0 for those who don't like the fact
that she's Randy? I thaught of doing this once too.

> Having a few problems involving
> her character since the two main things shes done so far is try and brake
> into a safe, and try a suduce the poor templar.  The Two Law Dogs are
> partners, though one actually shot another Law Dog to get his badge.  The
> others don't yet realize this (despite his some times near crimminal and
> mercenary behaviour).

Nice. Thus far, a lot of original ideas. It sounds like fun.

> So far (three sessions, about hmmm 15 hours) they've been playing Leftovers,
> with mixed success.  They couldh've finished it easily within two and a half
> sessions, if not less.  But the keep getting distract.  Which okay, because
> the theories they are comming up with involving the chief bad 'guy' in
> Leftovers are more detailed and interesting then the actually story (which is
> still pretty good for the first outing into HOE).  We joke that we're
> creating a democratic story :)  

Don't joke - my posse actually did this. They voted on who their CO would be
(and I abided by the ruling - not in the least because that's who *I* wanted,
but hey, let 'em think they have the power. They tend to vote down each other's
ideas anyway).

> And its good for business for Pinnicle (I hope)  In the last three months we
> have aquired three HOE rulebooks, all three dime novels, Wasted West, Templar
> book, and Blood or High Water.  Everyone wants to own a copy of that darn
> rule book. : )

I have no objections here.

> Also rang Hell or High Water with a second group of player using all
> Anti-Templars... That was very cool...   Great adventure!

Oooh... fun :)

> Hope I haven't wasted list, just dropping by the chew the fat so to speak. 
> Wish you all the best for your marshally!

Enjoy your group.

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058, AIM ID: DaidojiArichi && CaoTseTung
Daidoji Arichi, Scorpion Clan Bodyguard 
With revolutionary veal,
Cao Tse Tung, the Bovine Revolutionary
v3.12 GCS, d, s+:-, a--->$, c++>$, W++, N, w(++), PS+(++), PE--, Y+, R(+)@, tv+, b++(+++), DI++++, D, G++, e->$, h!, y?
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