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[HOE] The Librarian's Almanac for February 14th

administrator and owner by birth of the Tugwell
Bastion, is issuing a warning to all wasters
concerning the stretch of I-54 running from the ruins
of Platt and heading eastward through Wichita,
Fredonia and Pittsburg. Scouts from the Bastion are
reporting that at least three major road gangs are in
the midst of an extended grudge match. From spotty
recon reports, the Razorbacks cycle gang is camping in
the ruins of Platt and staging ferocious battles with
a gang calling themselves Hell’s Cavalry. The Cavalry
seems to be repairing their armored cars and vans in
the remains of Pittsburg. From somewhere in the burned
buildings of Fredonia, the third gang involved is the
aptly named Ghost Marauders. The number three
contestant seems to have perfected the art of surprise
attacks while the ‘Backs and Cavalry are swapping
paint on the elevated roadways of Wichita. The battles
have been reported as lasting through the daylight
hours and have been going on for nearly a week. Most
fights have been confined to the remaining stretches
of freeway in and around the suburbs. Local Law Dogs
as well as the Tugwell administrator are offering a
substantial reward for any information concerning
where the gangs are getting such a large supply of
ammo, spare parts and Spook Juice.

BUTTE FALLS, OREGON- Timothy Magee, a caravan
navigator by trade, is reporting the discovery of six
deceased Schismatic Doomsayers. The corpses were found
along the Union Pacific rail lines north of Mount
Shasta in California, three days east of the ruins of
Canby. One of the fallen Glow Priests had kept a small
journal. The final six entries mention a plan to
follow the rails to the coast. Each night, the owner
has written of recurring dreams of a distant echo of a
train whistle on the horizon. The final entry mentions
a nightmare of something Hellish thundering out of the
night. The entry is unfinished.

WEST FORK, ARKANSAS- Emory Barnes, the mayor of West
Fork, is entertaining a few distinguished guests.
Flying Horse, Scalps His Kills, Red Braid Mother of
Seven, and Great Angry Thundercloud are four envoys
from the Sioux Nation with a trade proposal. The
Nation is offering homegrown food in exchange for the
return of relics and bones of their ancestors lost
years ago. Anyone who is willing to recover Indian
artifacts, bones lost to grave robbers/archeologists
and tribal symbols from museums across the country
will be paid generously in food and other natural
trade goods.

STATION ROCK, UTAH- Malcolm J.D. Rawlings is
announcing the first annual Screaming Steel
competition. The competition is a no-holds-barred 12
day race from Station Rock, Utah to Boise, Idaho with
the winner of each category being given their choice
of prizes available at the finish line. The Categories
are as follows:
Light Vehicles- nothing larger than a 250cc bike

Low-medium Vehicles- up to and including estate sized

High-medium Vehicles- up to and including V-8 vans and

Big Rigs- with one ton of cargo in trailer

Super heavyweight- special request as needed

Entrants are to present themselves with the Vehicles
to be driven in the race to the judges panel in
Station Rock before Noon on February 28th. 
Starting pistol will be fired at dawn the morning of
March 1st.
Submitted by Brother Dominic, Journeyman Librarian-
Based on an idea by the Loco Marshal on the HOE

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