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Re: [HOE] [HoE] Sykers and Soldier Backgrounds

Kai Tave wrote:

> Most sykers shouldn't need to take the Soldier background, because most
> sykers weren't used the same way normal soldiers were.  Brainburners states
> that sykers were only thrown right into the thick of things in the Last War
> when things nearly reached critical mass, so, training sykers as Soldiers
> (capital letter denotes the edge) probably didn't happen on a large-enough
> scale to worry about it.  Even the Banshee sykers weren't USUALLY thrown
> right into the fray; regular U.N. troops soaked up the brunt of the losses,
> with sykers coming in as mop-up or support (until the battle at Red River,
> anyway).
Thanks for the input!  Fair enough - I can go along with that. But
Sykers still have a military command structure.  What about saying (at
the very least) that taking the Syker Arcane Background gives the Syker
a military Rank of 0 (with no perks on doubling belongings like with the
Soldier Background if Rank is purchased higher).  Does that sound

> Sykers put the "special" into special forces.  Because of this, I'd say that
> sykers would (more-or-less) not learn any set skill package (other than high
> levels of Blastin'), but rather learn whatever seemed appropriate.  Two
> different syker assassins might have vastly different skills and/or powers,
> so I'd say that sykers pretty much break the mold (although some skills,
> like Shootin': Rifle might be pretty common among all syker vets).
True.  Descriptions in Brainburners indicate "black ops: commando and
spy stuff" and assassination as being their forte and "generally they
weren't as good" at "pure military missions".  This would seem to
indicate a need for some specifically military training in learning
their Syker abilities however...espionage and assassination aren't
average run of the mill skills. The creation of the TSAR and PAW add
further credence to the presence of military training (while rifle
skills, arguably, would be common among Sykers, the PAW uses shootin'
cannon skill).  I agree Sykers do "break the mold" in some respects, but
it sounds like (based on what Brainburners said they're good at) the
Special Forces specialization runs closest to the mark. Let's see...just
for the sake of argument...if I offered the Soldier background  "Special
Forces" to Sykers for 2 points, how would that work out points wise?
Let's say throwing a Rank of 1, Belongings of 1 in for good measure:

Arcane Background - Syker : costs 3
Soldier Background - Special Forces (modified cost for Sykers): costs 2
Rank 1: costs 1
Belongings 1: costs 1
Total Cost: 7 points

Now, for that you get (if my take on this is correct):
1.  # Syker powers = to blastin' (so you still need to put some points
in there obviously)
2.  15 points in skills
3.  Rank 1 (which also gets you an additional point in leadership -
special forces already gives you 2 in it - or 1 in professional
soldier).  2 points for 1.  Also you can buy skills in specialty up to
6.  I'd argue that for Syker you could add blastin' to this list.
4.  Belongings of 1 gets you the effect of belongings of 2 for military
gear.  2 points for 1.
5.  Two draws from the soldier table (which will average to be about - 8
points in "hindrances").

So, for 7 points, the Syker gets 15+2+2-8 = (approximate due to
averaging "hindrances"...the minus might be equivalent to a little more
or less) 11.  A gain of roughly 4 points. Without rank and belongings,
it would have been 15+0+0-8 = 7, which will just about break even. What
do you think?  Feasible?

> And I still don't think the Soldier edge is the worst thing in the world.
> But I guess I'm alone on that one...  *Sniffle*  All...alone...
Aw, heck - didn't mean to imply that I didn't like it.  I do, and I
agree its far from the worst thing in the world.  (Man, I haven't posted
to the list this much in ages...being home sick from work has some

TBS wrote:

> I don't require any soldier Pcs to take the edge, inc. Sykers, but I don't
> see why they wouldn't.
Thanks for the input.  So, are you agreeing that having Sykers take the
Soldier Background (modified/unmodified) is perhaps reasonable?  Just
trying to make sure I read you correctly.

Matt Steflik
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik