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Re: [HOE] HtH damage [Shane]

> Well what's a pretty good strength... 4d10? That's pretty high, but not in
> the ungodly range. So what do the odds for wind look like:
> 92% chance of 	5+ wind
> 60%	"	9+ wind
> 35%	"	10+ wind
> 14%	"	14+ wind (this is approx. as the numbers start getting
> confusing here)


4d10:				3d6:                       
# 0 == "go bust"		# 0 == "go bust"           
  0   0.4 % chance		  0   7.4                  
  1  99.6 			  1  92.6
  2  99.6 			  2  92.6
  3  99.5 			  3  90.7
  4  98.9 			  4  83.3
  5  97.2 			  5  67.6
  6  93.5 			  6  40.7
  7  86.9 			  7  40.7
  8  75.9 			  8  35.3
  9  59.0 			  9  29.1
 10  34.4 			 10  22.5
 11  34.4 			 11  15.4
 12  31.4 			 12   7.9
 13  28.3 			 13   7.9
 14  25.2 			 14   6.7
 15  21.9 			 15   5.3
 16  18.5 			 16   4.0
 17  15.1 			 17   2.7
 18  11.5 			 18   1.4
 19   7.8 			 19   1.4

> So if a very strong person (4d10) punching an average person (d6's and
> d8's for vigor and spirit) has a 14% of knocking them cold in one punch.

25%.  When I get some time I'll work out the actions-to-KO for the
standard strength vs. vigor rules.