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Re: [HOE] Help...need news...been gone...

Wow.  You've missed quite a bit.

Pinnacle is back on its feet, minus a few people.  Their new website is up
at www.peginc.com so go take a quick look-see.  Most of the rest of any
questions you have concerning product releases should be answered on the
site (i.e. yes, there WILL be a Lost Colony RPG, just give it a little more

--Kai Tave

>Hiya fellow muties...
>Just wanted to try and get some info....
>been gone almost a month and a half.....wanted to know a couple of
>1.) Now that CG is apparently out of the picture....or at least that is the
>way it seems from all that Ive read....what is the deal with Pinnacle?
>2.) Will the Lost Colony RPG come out....or is it kaputsville....or did I
>miss something...again....
>Any additional info you may have would be most appreciated...
>Red Leggedly Yours,
>Brooklyn Red Leg (a.k.a. David Farris)
>The Red Legged Devil of the Iron Brigade
>Sergeant, 14th Brooklyn Militia, 1st Corps,
>1st Division, Iron Brigade, Army of the Potomac
>From First Bull Run to Spotsylvannia Courthouse
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