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[HOE] Re: Syker in Sacramento

----- Original Message -----
> Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 22:11:05 +0100
> From: d_scott@ntlworld.com
> Subject: [HOE] Re: Syker in Sacramento

> > S
> > P
> > O
> > I
> > L
> > E
> > R
> >

> If you feel like being vague, remember that most of the info outside of
> newsreels, which were edited for public consumption, was military i.e.
> coded, restricted, hidden and probably destroyed along with the military
> bases in the Last War, or hidden where the Librarian's can't find it

This is exactly what I did, actually. I told him most of that information
would likely be back East deep within the Earth in a vault in DC should he
want to go look for it. He didn't.

And since none of my players know about The Net yet, they can't search for
information there. ;-)

> >     b) information on OK Warfield since the sykers were pulled out of
> > Faraway.
> I imagine he stayed behind on Banshee. Brainburners says he fought to keep
> the Sykers on Banshee for as long as possible - he strikes me as the kind
> who wouldn't leave until the last Anouk was dead. Plus, to get back to
> he'd have had to be on the Unity with the Sykers!Hmm, maybe he was and
> never knew. Maybe he's still up there. Interesting possibilities. . .

This is what I was wondering.. I mean, is he still there? Did he die? Did
the Skinnys get him? And is a skinny really a harrowed anouk that feeds its
brain power by siphoning its own life-force away like a lich? (working
theory.. )

> >     c) how the sykers were radioed home a year after the bombs fell.
> I wondered about this myself. It could just be the delay in signals
> from Earth to the Unity on a deep space mission, but we all know it's
> to be something more sinister than that, don't we? :)   I would keep the
> player well away from any kind of info here, because it's likely to be
> officially one day, and the Unity mission was totally TOP SECRET, whatever
> it was.

I was lurking around the Accumulated Rulings actually, and saw someone post
officially that this was a typo. Too bad - there really could have been an
interesting story with that one.

Sinister Dexter