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Re: [HOE] Stupid Junker device...

In a message dated 4/29/01 4:29:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
r_a_c_@hotmail.com writes:

>  >Get this. This is the reason why I wanted to give him a ding upside the
>  >head... Backblast with a range of 30 yards, 4D20 damage.

Umm... Is that stat specified by the book? that is, all rockets do 4d20 
damage, or is that determined by the missile? 'Cuz it seems that that 
wouldn't be something the junker could Directly control. 
    It'd be my suggestion to A.) adjust damage for the waste warriors(4d12), 
and then B.) tell him that the byproduct of have small, long range 1d4 
missiles is very effiecient Burn properties of the ammunition, which reduces 
initial backblast and range- shorten the range to 1.5 yards, and damage to 
4d6. In theory, this works.

uriah, the crazy indian