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Re: [HOE] MPH/pace Questions

Something is screwy with your math.  I did a straight conversion and came up
with this:
 d4- 3.272727273MPH
 d6- 4.909090909MPH
 d8- 6.545454545MPH
d10- 8.181818182MPH
d12- 9.818181818MPH
   - 11.45454545MPH

Here's how:
using the average d6 for example
d6 running will cover 12 yards in 5 seconds (for now ignoring the fact that
you can burst and move all 12 in .3846 seconds, the length of one action
card, because on average if running a mile you'll cover double your pace in
5 seconds)

12yds/5secs  multiply by 3 and you get=
36ft/5sec  divide by 5 and you get=
7.2ft/sec  multiply by 60 to get minutes and again to get hours and you get
25920ft/hr  divide by 5280 to get miles and you get

so we see that the average person walks at 2.4545 mph and runs at 4.9090MPH
above I included all of the die types running speeds.  if you want to see
the effects of picking up the pace and rolling a 4, use the next highest die
type.  example, running at d6 gives you 12 yds/5sec, picking it up by 4 give
you 16 yds/5sec, which is the same as a d8's normal run.

Perhaps your error in math lies in Scale.  I don't have RW in front of me to
check but were they maybe saying that the scale was 1 inch = 5 yds?


Matt and Teresa Steflik wrote:

> In Road Warriors on page 39 under Speedometer, it states how you convert
> MPH to yards (for example 5 MPH = 0.5 inches, multiply inches x5 to get
> yards = 2.5 yards...or 0.5 yards = 1 MPH).  So we're basically saying
> that MPH divided by 2 equals yards, and inversely yards times 2 equals
> MPH.  Since a character's pace is measured in yards, does this mean that
> an average person with a pace of 6 is actually walking at 12 MPH and
> running at 24 MPH (28 if they pick up the pace and get a 4)?  Since the
> revised rules have stated that a character can take their full movement
> in a single action, this gives an average person better pace than the
> acceleration of most vehicles.  Granted, the vehicle will catch up
> quick, as the character will be maxed out on their speed, but do these
> numbers strike anyone else as odd?  I mean, a really quick character
> with a pace of 12 and a 4 on the d4 pick-up is capable of a top speed of
> 52 MPH?!?  And don't forget about those running shoes (which - although
> it's never been stated - I assume supply the +2 pace bonus AFTER
> doubling pace for running) to kick it up another notch to 54 MPH...
> Is perhaps vehicle pace not comparable to character pace?  If so, why
> call it pace?
> Also, if this conversion is correct, all of the pace listings for
> vehicles in Road Warriors are wrong.  Although it doesn't seem to
> expressly say how to determine a vehicle's pace in Road Warriors, I
> would think, due to the original conversion above that the book
> supplied, you would simply multiply the top speed by 2.  Instead, it
> seems they've all been multiplied by 2.5.  Why?
> Am I way off on this?  Any thoughts or explanations?
> Matt Steflik
> Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik
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