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Re: [HOE] Rad Baby?

I dont have my books handy, but here is the gist:  (Somebody correct me if
I am wrong)

5 pt edge
Adds a die of damage to all miracles
Increases range on all miracles (doubles range?)
If you bust on a faith roll, you lose a die of vigor.
if you run out of vigor, you explode in a giant ball of radioactive goo.


Theo McGuckin <tsm@jlab.org>@gamerz.net on 05/24/2001 08:58:44 AM

Please respond to hoe@gamerz.net

Sent by:  owner-hoe@gamerz.net

To:    Hell on Earth <hoe@gamerz.net>

Subject:  [HOE] Rad Baby?

Hey, I asked once inside another email, but people might have missed it.
Could someone give a bried synopsis of what the Rad Baby
edge/hinderance does?

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab

     "Wow, a sleep-over. A roaring fire, sleeping bags on the floor,
      it's just like that time I got kicked out of Sports Authority."

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