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Re: [HOE] Heads up (cause you folks are cooler than the other lists!)

Ratbastryd@aol.com wrote:
> I suppose you have to go to Origins for this? I don't think I'd be able to
> go. I'd see though- where's that one? Milwaukee or Columbus? And when is it?

Origins is in Columbus, OH, and generally falls on 4th of July weekend
(first week of July). 

I was a little disturbed that there are no DL RPG events and only one
HOE RPG event. All of the other events are Diskwars/GRW/D20. Now I know
PEG is shorthanded, but I *really like* the DL system and I'm not that
fond of D20. Based on the articles posted on the PEG site about the
Weird Wars project, I'm unconvinced that using those gawdawful D20 rules
is really a good idea (dammit, if I wanna play a sniper, he should be a
good sniper from the get-go, not a zombie-chew-toy at 1st level and
maybe a decent sniper five levels later). But given the number of D20
events PEG is running, I suppose I'll have ample opportunity to be shown

Maybe in a year or so this whole D20 zeitgeist thing will burn out and
game designers will go back to using creativity and new ideas to sell
RPG products and stop trying to shove 20-sided pegs into holes where
they don't belong.