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Re: [HOE] Help out a poor foolish marshall? (Marshals)


 One way to deal with vehicles is have the posse being pursued by a larger vehcile or a fleet of vehicles. That way it's up to the posse what happens they can run and take some damage, enough to temporarely disable the vehicle. Or if they stay and fight perhaps total destruction for the vehicle. Also if your posse gets too rich, remember road gangs and tolls are useful. See if your posse refuses to give up their cash, bullets, etc when they are stareing down the barrels of the long guns belonging to two hover tanks. The Causeway Collective could be in a very bad mood if it serves your adventure needs
   Also one lucky grenade throw from a Black Hat can work wonders. Too many bullets? Zombie and Famine hordes can work wonders?  Want something to disappear? How about some Wormlings tunneling under the vehicle? It either disappears or is stuck until the posse finds more help or tools to free it from the hole in the ground.
Just a few ideas.
