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Re: [HOE] guts check and gun

>     Unless your character is from some sort of utopian outpost in the 
>of nowhere, they have had guns pointed at them multiple times in their 
>  HoE characters are not from suburbia, they are born and bred in a savage 
>brutal world, and I doubt that any would have as extreme a reaction to a 
>pointed at them as we would.
>     I remember the stories that old soldiers tell about being shelled by
>artilary.  Many reached a point where they would hear the incoming shell 
>not take cover.
Old Stupid Soldiers.  If anything being shot at or actually being shot would 
make some one more likely to take cover.  It not like Someone thinks to 
himself "I've been shot before and didn't die so I'll just stand in front of 
a SMG".  Absolutely not.  More Likly the person is thinking "Gee, Last time 
I was shot it really hurt alot and I almost died, This time I'll take 

I'm not implying that you should have characters make a guts check everytime 
there shot at, but I think you should limit chips to players who don't take 
logical steps to stay out of danger.


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