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Re: [HOE] Regarding "irregardless." [Very OT]

>   Okay, I know I'm going to come across as anushole of the day here, but I
> just want to point out the inexistance of the word "irregardless."
>   "Regardless" refers to something being "without regard."
>   Adding "Ir-" to the front of the word turns it into "WITHOUT without
> regard."  And double negatives cancel each other out, so the word suddenly
> means "WITH regard."
>   Like I said, real anushole.
>   It's just that I'm a writer and a proofreader, and this one always
> my friends and family to hate being around me because of my rantings.
>   Thus endeth the lesson.
>   - Ouroboros

Whilst the word doesn't exist in the Standardised sense, your argument isn't
exactly sound. Double negation does not work mathematically. It's a 18th
century prescriptivist dictate that was based purely on non-linguistic
grounds.Whilst it may be considered non-Standard, it is an everyday part of
English usage. Also, the guy used the word and we understood damn well what
he meant; just like we knew what you mean but "inexistence".

Oh, and I'm not sure that "anushole" is exactly Standard English either.


Who promises to get off his soapbox now.