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Re: [HOE] Cyborgs question [SHANE, ALLAN]

 >When making a cyborg and losing Spirit dice, does the Spirit loss affect
 >your Wind as well, or is that calculated before the Spirit loss starts
 >happening and stay that way even after the systems start getting implanted?

. . .


Though there is a precedent for Super-Soldiers not losing character points 
for taking the edge, Wind represents the current ability of toughness and 
willpower to withstand pain and injury.  If someone buys up their Spirit, 
their Wind goes up as well.  That is not the case for people who buy up 
Knowledge, etc.

While the process of making a Cyborg does technically make them "weaker" in 
that their Wind goes down, by being Dead to begin with the cyborg is immune 
to most normal sources of wind loss anyway.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

A nickel isn't worth a dime today.
                 -Yogi Berra