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Re: [HOE] Movie/adventure idea

Sorry if i offended you in any way. I was just making an observation that's 

Dave Panseri

--On Monday, September 10, 2001 12:39 AM -0400 Matt and Teresa Steflik 
<grifflik@stny.rr.com> wrote:r

> Dave Panseri wrote:
>> That map is pretty old though. These days there is no ice scating
>> rink.
>> WHere that was now stands a food court. Another point of interest,
>> Store #
>> 221 is a store called Cutlary Plus. This store basicly sells big ass
>> swordes
>> and knives. Might be good for any templars or squires out there.
> Didn't claim it was current.  I said "Monroeville Mall used in the Dawn
> of the Dead".  That's what it is, as advertised.  But that's not hither
> or thither...theither...thoother...man, I'm tired.  You want different
> or updated stores, do as thou wilt.  Nock yourself out.  Stock your mall
> from stem to stern with blades n' guns n' things that go boom for all I
> care.  Folks wanted a map - there's your map.  So there.  Nyah.  :-P
> Man, I'm tired.  Ignore that snippy bit.
> Me, I'd keep the ice skating rink anyway.  Make it the way the posse has
> to go to get away from a horde of deaders.  Not many player folks take
> skatin'.  Zombies aren't much better.  Unskilled Nimbleness rolls are
> made - hilarity ensues.  Or you could have "hockey zombies" like the
> music controlled mental patients in "Strange Brew".  Push that pace up
> to get the damage bonus with the sticks...that will teach the posse not
> to take skatin'! WooHoo!
> Did I mention I'm tired?
> Aw, to heck with it.  Stick a fork in me.
> Matt Steflik
> Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik
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