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[HOE] My plans for future net surfing

First off I would to say that I'm sorry for this cross E-Mail, But it's easy
for me then doing individual E-Mails. Anyways on with this posting, I would
like to continue surfing on the Net. But this account at least must die,
I've caused to much damage with this One.

Now as for obsessions as a fellow person with Aspbergers pointed out, I do
have them just not normal. My obsessions run weird and out of what other
call norm, From Pony Play to Kigurumi Dolling. What same about these
interests is Costuming, Fully Body Costumes I favor over partial. Having
Aspbergers make social skills and contact very screwy to say the least, When
I screw up with social contact in outside or the Net I withdraw rather then
continue contact. It's how I deal with social blunders, We Asbergers tend to
have problems with large groups of people. Well at least I do,

About me blaming others about my problems in life, There is a very simple
those people weren't there to help me out. So I've blame them for my current
position in life,

On the subject of Costumes, Sorry I tend to bounce around from topic to
topic but that's how I think. Anyways the reason I like dressing up in
Costumes like a full Body Horse suit or wish I could, Is the fact that I
have a large amount of self loathing, In other words I don't like looking at
myself in the mirror or the way I look normally.

Again I'm sorry for bothering you and taking up your valuable time,

One more thing before I go, I'm going to see the Harry Potter movie and
please don't make fun of the fact that I'm a fan of the books.