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Re: [HOE] Hell on Earth d20? [PEG]

At 11:14 PM 12/11/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >          Back when Deadlands D20 first came out I asked Shane if there
> > any plans for this and he said there were not any.  Pretty much all it
> > would require were new classes and prestiege classes.
>That is true... so, what classes do we really need? Gunslinger, Maverick,
>Rowdy and Scout can pretty much be used as is. Then we need Doomsayer,
>Junker (that one'll be troublesome, I bet), Syker, Templar, and Witch...

         I'll have to dig out my HOE book one of these days.  Currently 
almost all my stuff is packed away in boxes.  I'll see what I can come up 
with.  I would imagine the Junker would be a variation on the Mad 
Scientist, sort of.  I'll find my Deadlands D20 book and my HOE book over 
the next few days are start poking around.  If Icome up with anything I'll 
post it here.  Granted if Shane and crew would rather not see this happen 
feel free to let us know. ;)
