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Re: [HOE] Some announcements

In a message dated 1/3/2002 6:19:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, Ratbastryd@aol.com writes:

What I'm waiting for is a Law Dogs supplement for HOE. I mean, Templars are
fun and all, but sometimes, being arcane and being ridiculously judgemental
gets a bit old. In my mind, there's too much emphasis on the Templars (and
the Librarians, for that matter). I especially liked the existentialist
philosopy student/Law Dog I made this one time. Since existence was
meaningless, he couldn't judge anything, so he couldn't be a Templar, but he
wanted to help out and felt the Librarians were too cliche, so with the Law
Dogs he went (ignoring their own cliche implications).

Peter Berard

That's what Waste Warriors is intended to be. There's no point in having a full Law Dogs supplement because it just would have contained a lot of the info in Waste WArriors. And LD's are lone wolves anyway. They're not actually organized (at present). But wait til you see what a couple of them do in the Unity when .. . .
