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Re: Fw: [HOE] Skill progression

>> Ah, but there's the rub; martial arts.  See, I have a munchkin in the
>> group that likes to play the enlightened martial artist....

>One thing my group did to omit uber-skills is to say that you can't get a
>skill above 5 with 3 BP's. So even if you have a fightin: martial arts of
>7 and learn sword (which we'll say is related), for 3 BP's you get
>fightin:sword at level 5, not 7. The justification for this is that the
>book states that skills above 5 are "the stuff of legends" and really rare
>and all that, so it makes more sense to have to work hard to get skills
>that high (but still be able to pick up related skills at a fairly high

Ah, now something like that I would go with.

Oh, while I'm here, someone mentioned earlier that due to the fact that I
send email via Outlook html (which I didn't know I was doing), that my
emails are hard to read.  I haven't noticed any problems, but I have gotten
several emails from folks that pop up "unknown MIME format..." & does stuff
like it was sent in html.  So, what's going on?

Jeff S