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[HOE] Other PEG ListServers

I am trying to sign up to the Deadlands, Weird Wars and Lost Colony Mailing
Lists but keep receiving the following mail back from esquire@gamerz.net
each time.

I recently changed my mail address and changed the Hell on Earth details ok,
but are not able to get the others.

Anyone have any ideas.

On other matters, I purchased Obsidian the other week and was most
impressed, plenty to pull into Hell on Earth or VV. Anyone else picked up a

John Horner
UK Marshall

<<< This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
### Unknown command: This

Welcome to eSquire version 2000.06.01

eSquire is a Mailing List Manager to all users to maintain mailing lists
with minimal operator intervention.

The syntax of the various eSquire commands follows.  Entries in <>s denote
"variables"  Things in []'s denote optional items.  Do not include the <>'s
or []'s in your messages to eSquire.  It will not understand them.

    subscribe <listname> [<address>]
confirm <code> subscribe <listname> [<address>]
approve <code> subscribe <listname> <address>
    unsubscribe <listname> [<address>]
approve <code> unsubscribe <listname> <address>
    get <listname> <filename>
    index <listname>
    intro <listname>
    which [<address>]
    who <listname>