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[HOE] Epitaph Opinions...This ended up a bit long

Well I figure I'll chime in with the whole Epitaph/Source book debate.

I have to agree that for Wierd/Wasted West material.  The Epitaph Idea is 
great.  I mean all the major people and places have been covered and 
anything extra could easily be put into a Epitaph format.  Personally I get 
tired of hearing people mention(note this isn't an attack just a statement 
and opinion, Don't jump down my throat) things like, "What about a Europe 
Source book" or "What about the Law Dogs" or "What about the Secrets of the 
Jackalope Source book" etc.

If pinnacle made a source book for every little part of the there Deadlands 
universe it would be very expensive very fast.  Things like World books that 
don't really fit the setting(Deadlands, in all its forms, is a Western 
Horror RPG,  Although some monsters from Europe are cool they shouldn't do a 
whole book about a place 99% of players won't go.).

Likewise books for every faction get a bit excesive(Although it would be 
good to learn more history about the Law dogs, there in no reason to do an 
entire source book on them, They have no additional Arcane Powers, THANK 
GOD.  Nor any secret technology.  There just guys who want to bring order to 
chaos.)  If you start making source books for the sake of it, you get 
strange fillers(Like the Hekants[which were okay] and the Librian Arcane 
Powers[Which I never really liked])

As for The Way out West(Lost Colony).  According to the press release on 
there site.  LC is getting 3-4 books of its own. 
http://www.peginc.com/OldNews/DLConsolidates.htm.  I'm sure that doesn't 
cover the 2 main books.  So thats probably the Arcane background books. or 
maybe a Area book.

Overall I trust Shane, and his vision of Deadlands.  I think the idea here 
is to get Deadlands Finally completed and then to let the fans and indepdent 
writers contribute through the Epitaph.  Then Pinnacle can finally shift 
gears and move into something new.  We all love the work Pinnacle has done 
with Deadlands, but wouldn't it be great to see new and different types of 
games from these talented people.  Take a look at Wierd wars(which is well 
done) or Brave New World(which was a great game that shouln't have died, 


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