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Re: [HOE] Running from a fight (longish)

> You are off by a raise.  Mere success is bupkus.  One raise causes -4,
> and so on.

Here's something I've never been clear on (maybe it's in the rules, I
don't know): What constitutes a success in an opposed roll? Just beating
the roll? I.e. Bob rolls a 9, Joe rolls an 8, so Bob got a success. Or is
it beating the other's roll by 5?

I've always assumed that beating the other roll by 1-4 is a success, 5-9 a
raise, etc. I mean if Bob rolls a 9 to dodge and Joe rolls an 8 to hit
then Bob successfully dodged. Right?

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab, Safety Warden (Bldg. 85)

	"A brave man loves the feel of nature on face."
	"But a wise man knows when to come in out of the rain!"