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Re: [HOE] Questions about Molecular Cohesion... (Urban Renewal Spoilers)

>Urban Renewal Spoilers! if you a player leave
Well if Urban renewal is the adventure your playing, then combat isn't 
really all that important.  Urban renewal has a lot of bizzare wierd things 
happening.  Cue up some creepy music and turn the lights low.  I guarntee if 
its run well you'll scare the players, which will in turn scare the 

I had a character waste to clips of ammo in his tommy gun shooting into a 
room because he thought something bad was gonna happen.

As for a more general how to deal with an overpowered Doomsayer.  Burn there 
strain.  and don't let them rest.  Also remember the fine art of collateral 
damage.  My Doomsayer won't even think about using Nuke unless there in the 
middle of the desert with no one around for miles.


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