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RE: [HOE] power gamers vs. roleplayers thread

You say that the roleplayers (who are also your friends) have left and the
powergamers have stayed, right? Well then drop the campaign and start over
with just the roleplayers. Play in a different location if it's an issue.
Stop trying to conform your game to the min-maxers and instead enjoy
running a game with your friends who like to make good characters.
Sometimes a campaign that has gone out of control needs a press of the old
Reset Button.

I can attest to the success of the old Reset Button, and Theo can vouch for me. ;-) There's a danger of using it as a fix-all, which gets old as well, but I went from an overly powerful HoE posse of all AB's to a posse with practically none.  You might want to broach the subject with your powergamers.  Sometimes even they realize that things are out of control and they might be ready to challenge themselves with little role-playing.

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