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Re: [HOE] Striking Similarities

> Did anyone else spot the Bruce Campbell-a-like and the Shane-a-like (the
> owner of the company, not the fictional cowboy) in City O' Sin, I caught
> the Michael Jackson stuff and now I have a copy I could see what everyone
> was talking about. This in mind these other two cropped up. And the
> act guy (Sorry that's a bit vague but I don't have a copy to hand right
> seems based on someone but me being from England, wouldn't have a clue
> he is. Now this leaves me wondering how many other of these little jokes
> there are (Other than the DempseyWorld connection) and how many I have
> missed because of my (relatively) poor knowledge of US culture (An odd
> conversation about the Oakland Raiders and the use of the name Liebowitz
> about  18 months ago between Shane and one of the list members, springs
> mind, at the time I paid it no heed but now I'm curious). 

Liebowitz is drawn from the excellent book by Walter M. Miller Jr. (?)
entitled "A Canticle for Liebowitz" which revolves around the efforts of a
post-apocalypse monastic order to preserve the knowledge of civilization in
the face of a new dark age.

Oh, and HoE is positively *riddled* with references to both pop culture and

B. D. Flory
Freelance Writer/Editor

"No good opera plot can be sensible, for people do not sing when they are
feeling sensible."
                                                         -W.H. Auden