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Re: [HOE] Yet another Unity review... (Shane)

spoiler space
>So we're still stuck.  We've got zilch for justification or motivation, yet
>the whole story hinges on this point.  There has to be a better way than
>"Well they'd better just DO it, or they're jerks and it's all their fault."

Justification.  Hellstromme flys down, proclaims himself the harbinger and 
stops the Convoy from being wiped out, allowing them to head back and assist 
the rest of the alliance against the Denver. Then right before death kills 
the posse,  He swoops down again, Zaps him into the box and saves them.  So 
as far as I see it the Posse owes him a little trust since he has essential 
saved them twice in a matter of a few days.

As for the Standard HOE model.  I have said this several times.  I've always 
interrepeted HOE as a game about Heroic People fighting against all odds to 
save a doomed world.  I'm not saying they are all happy cheerful people, who 
help old ladies cross the street.  But the adventures and such seem to 
really focus on the fact that your PC want to help people and the world in 

Now the Hellstrome box thing is a chance to F*^$&ing Save the WHOLE DAMN 
WORLD.  Most posses would jump at the chance to possible save the world.


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