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Re: [HOE]

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, john tfs wrote:

> One question that I've seen regards the
> Prognosticator's prediction of a world barren of all
> life.  I think that Raven plays into it, but perhaps
> not in the way that some folks believe.  I have some
> ideas about how it all ties together and will get into
> that in just a little bit.  For now, be aware that
> adventure below.  Be also aware that some of my
> speculation might hit fairly close to the eventual
> truth.  Those folks not wishing to be spoiled might
> want to hit the 'delete' key right about now. 
> Everyone else, c'mon down.
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> A
> H
> E
> A
> D

snipping some major league thinking here..

> Another thing to consider is the state of Raven's
> personal power level.  Much of his power was derived
> directly from the Reckoners.  Since those worthies are
> a) very weak (relatively), b) very far away and c) not
> very found of Birdboy, Raven's powers will most likely
> take something of a nosedive in the fairly near
> future.  The worms could help, if they chose.  Since

not nessacerily, Raven chose the wise precaution of binding his power to 
his coup stick, so it cant be taken away again...

> they've seen how Raven serves his "bosses", though,
> this seems less than likely.  Aside from that, the
> worms can't get behind Raven's whole "kill the planet"
> idea, since they need humans for food and more
> wormlings.  Life certainly won't be fun for humans

I'm sure I read an inference that they are breeding on thier own now, or 
was I just making this up, or inferring stuff that wasn't there?
I thought the Worms had found the new race they needed in the wormlings..
so they dont need people anymore, which is why they are so happy to help 
out Raven..

> Raven could certainly attempt to go to Banshee, but he
> can forget about taking his army with him.  He might

does anyone else have the refain going through thier heads:
"and the zombies went in two by two, hurrah, harrah!"?
as raven marches his undead through the portals..

> go to Banshee and scout out the situation, but I doubt
> that he'll attempt to directly confront his former
> masters.  Especially since he won't know how to kill
> them.  I suspect as well that the Reckoner-servitors

if he finds out they're servitors, he might just try the "throw buckets 
full of undead at them" strategy.  hey, its worked before..:-)

> will be truly immune to all attacks except for the
> one, specific weakness that can destroy them (no
> Evenor shortcuts for these guys).  
> Let's look at a group that got pretty well left out of
> Judgment Day 2 - the croakers.  You guys remember the

ack. I'd forgotten about them...

> croakers, right?  Big, green, toothy, live in vast

> Speaking of stuff that happened many millennia ago, at
> one time Way Back When, the Reckoners sentenced
> Something Nasty to Life Without Possibility of Parole,
> and then only because they didn't have sufficient
> whup-ass to administer Capital Punishment (they didn't
> have Old Sparky back then).  Anywho, they stuck this
> Thing in a special cage (made from anti-magickal ore)
> under Montana (specifically under Blackleaf
> Correctional institute, the Agency's prison for "weird
> stuff").  Figure the Fab Four had rather a time
> sticking their "inmate" into its cell.  I suspect that
> it was a pretty awesome battle, maybe even enough to
> cause "changes in the earth's tectonic plates" and
> thus pave the way for mankind to arrive on earth...

I like the way you think.  or, rather, I dont...:-)

> Once the Demon-goddess gets free, all bets are off. 
> The Reckoners are gone.  The worms are still just
> beginning to acquire true power again.  The
> Demon-goddess will have a bit of a warm-up session
> exterminating (most, except for the croakers and
> Raven) life on earth, then she'll head to Banshee,

not sure about this..I mean, whats in it for her...she just wait until 
they return through the portal, and, in the immortal words of Lister 
"twats them"..

> BTW: I put this together based on information from pp.
> 96-99 of the HoE Shattered Coast sourcebook and from
> pp. 113-114 of the Cyborgs sourcebook.

I need to go back and re-read these.. I never want you as my GM BTW... :-)

 jconstable@pobox.com          http://www.kript.net/deadlands
a member of the "Legion of Rabid Fans(tm)"
"Why are we doing this?
Because a brain in a glass case, in a short meeting, told us to....."