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Re: AW: [HOE] Killed My.. Entire... Party....

> Do it as you like in your posse, but I wouldn't like to play in a
> posse where all depends in the end on the arbitrariness of the
> marshal.

I think this is the whole point of this thread. The marshal and players
should sit down before the game and talk out how they want the game to be?
Do they want ultra-realistic where their car can break down and they spend
the entire adventure just trying to survive the walk to junkyard to get
fuel, or do they want to skip the boring stuff and get on with the
high-adventure and action? How do they feel about player deaths?

I am personally what some of my posse like to call a "Realism-Nazi". But
the rest of the players aren't. So when I marshal our HoE game I adjust it
a little more in the fictional direction to keep things exciting and
moving. I don't often fudge dice rolls, but when I do it's in favor of
making the game more enjoyable (and I keep it a secret ;)

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab, Safety Warden (Bldg. 85)

	"And oh yes... you must find the Jade Monkey before the next full
	"Actually sir, we found the Jade Monkey; it was in your glove
	"And the road maps?  And ice scraper?"
	"They were in there too, sir."
	"Ex-cellent!  It's all falling into place."