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RE: [HOE] mixing arcane backgrounds

> "You walk out of the tavern and a giant magical rock lands on you dealing
> 50d100 massive damage. The magical properties cancel and magica
> properties of your own, and there is no chance of becoming harrowed. Now
> give me me your character sheet."

I didn't say the GM would allow it, I was just pointing out that there are a
lot of ways to combine arcane abilities in HOE onto an existing Arcane
Background. Many of them are entirely legal by the rules.

Some of them are a little iffy... like combining Initiate (which limits your
faith to 1 level) with shaman/nonshaman favors. Also, I think you can be an
initiate and a greenie, but I don't know if you can buy both Arcane
Backgrounds. I think the accumulated rulings say something about once you
learn how to channel arcane energy in a certain way, the pathways through
your brain become "set" and you can't learn another AB. Thus, you could buy
the Doomsayer AB but then be stuck as a greenie with only 1 syker power and
1 level of blastin, or you could get the Syker AB and then be stuck as an
initiate with only the tolerance power.

I forgot to add Cyborg/Harrowed powers, too. I didn't mention grundies
because most of the arcane stuff doesn't work with them. I think Grundies
can be Templar Companions and Greenies... but they don't have enough mental
faculties for any other ABs.