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[HOE] Law Dogs: The red headed step-child of character types?(Shane, PEG, Marshals only)


 Since I first read about the Law Dogs in the Wasted West book, I have been wanting to know more. A  Law Dog player in my posse was saddened to hear that thre is no Law Dog. 
 Shane Ho come the Law Dogs never got their own book in HOE? IT's not like there isn't anything tow rite about them? In the Wasted West there was mention of possible ties with the agency and The Rangers. Plus we get hints about prominent law Dogs from time to time in other HOE books. 
 I would love to knwo about the Law Dog movement. Who started it after the apocalypse? Who are some prominent Law Dogs in the Wasted West? Who are some prominent fugitives for them to track down? What are their connections (If any) to the Agency and The Rangers? Are the Law Dogs an organization, like the shcizmatics and the templars? or are they just wanderers?
 There are many questions I would love answered. I know that unfourutunately PEG is not planning any more HOE sourcebooks. So any chance of seeing a lot of Law Dog Background in The Epitaph? And I know this probably won't change much, but if PEG put out a Law Dog books for HOE, I would buy it.
How about the rest of you guys? What do yout hink?