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Re: [HOE] Demo game

I have been working on a one-shot deal myself.  I have blueprints and stuff
of a legendary ship. I want to run it myself before I put it up.  So, as for
a one-shot deal.  Obviously you may be giving out archtypes since its easier
than character creation.  I would probably just recommend the first
adventure "Apocolypse, Now."  It gives a decent amount of an overview of HOE
(black hats, wormlings, harrowed).     My first adventure (stock) was from
the Templar book ("The Destroyer").  Only problem was that know i have
people who have characters that are Companions and they don't want to be.
Been trying to build them up for "The Boise Horror."  But, if you want to
spook them and have "The Epitaph #2," i would advise "Biodome 2."  If you
don't well, just stick with the first one.

For Marshalling purposes---------------------Do not

To sum up:
If you have Epitaph #2, run Biodome 2 (Lots of Zombies in a confined place
with bits and pieces (sorry for the black humor) of the movie "Motel Hell
(Heads without tongues or bodies being used for fertilizer for supernatural
If not "Apocolypse, Now."

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joey Fanning(Wraith)" <wraith530@comcast.net>
To: "HOE mailing List" <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 5:14 PM
Subject: [HOE] Demo game

> I'm lucky enough to be able to run a demo game this sunday at my local
> store for deadlands:hell on earth.  this will, of course, be a one-shot
> adventure that anyone can quickly join.  so, what adventure should i run?
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