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> Well folks, seeing as "Lost Colony" is neigh on being out everywhere, I 
> though I might as well clear up the one question that I have over The 
> Unity...
> While it isn't *THAT* much of a Spoiler, I'd better give it some space...
> Don't make me sick WC Omer and Lil' Red after you!!!  ( 
> http://www.gamersrest.com/gr/deadlands/WC_Omer.htm )
> OK, that should be good enough.
> The question is this, basically:  Will firearms work in space?
> Now, Junker-Built Lasers and Blasters are most likely (As in, "Alright, darn 
> it, they work!"), and Rail Guns are *SURE* to work, but I'm talking your 
> regular Firearms here.  Seeing as they operate off an explosion, most likely 
> requireing oxygen, then I'd say no, but, lacking good, scientific knowledge 
> on the subject...

The oxidant is included in the explosive charge.  There's no other
way for enough oxygen to be available in a short enough time.  Yes,
they will fire.

> Oh, and, yes, I do know that, if they do work, that the recoil from it would 
> definetly work as a small rocket!  :-)  It might go something like this...

Very small.  The recoil of a 10-gram (very heavy) bullet moving at
what would be mach 2 at sea level (very fast) will propel a
100-kilogram shooter at less than 7 cm/sec (0.15 mph).

> Anyhow, thanks for any help you folks can give.

You did say "any".