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Re: [HOE] Hunting Grounds Question

> So, Is that a yes, or no, Theo?

Yeah, after sending I was kinda hoping that no one noticed I didn't
actually answer the question (they were so blinded by my brilliant
insights that the actual question became un-important. Yeah, that's it...)

The only suggestion that I could make is that when I had a syker go back
in time to deadlands his blastin' rolls became opposed rolls against the
manitou he encountered (because there were so many more). The manitou's
power-level was determined by a card draw (just like stats). Particularly
weak manitous gave penalties to rolls (treat as -1 success to a minimum of
1), but were easy to beat. Really strong manitous were tougher to beat,
but gave bonuses (if he manages to beat the manitou, treat power has if it
had been activated with +1 raise).

I didn't actually change BrainBurn, figuring that was rare and heinous
enough that it didn't really need any tweaking.

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab, Safety Warden (Bldg. 85)

	Why I have yet to achieve Nirvana:
	"We shall go on a mystical journey of discovery and enlighten-
	 ment. Along the way you will learn all about yourse..."
	"Hey, what's that over there! Ooh, something shiny!"
	"Wait! Come back!"