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Re: [HOE] D20 question

Okay it looks like someone answered your question before me (going back to
delete previous post).

Okay now, reading the responses pertaining to this, I would still say that
Hucksters would take the penalty of all hexes requiring higher hands.  It
even states it in the Question here:  manitous are more powerful.  One might
see that as being that huckster could cast even more powerful hexes.  I see
it as manitous are even MORE problematic and are very resistant to sharing
the power as it were.  In the past, one could grab a manitou, slap him
around, & get him to do what you want.  Now it is more like grabbing a small
manitou (no one is crazy enough to grab the big 'uns anymore), have a major
wrestling match, & if you're lucky, get him to do something for you.

Jeff S

> > What this may imply in d20 is spells will be considered one level
> > higher(ie: you have to higher level to cast certain spells) and if
> > they handle backlash in d20, expect a good towel spanking if you
> > screw up.
> I thought the hands higher was Erated out and its just
> increased backlash..

(From http://www.darious.com/deadlands/reference/ar/HoE/HoEAR.htm):

Character Creation: Hucksters

Q) (snip a lot of argument about hucksters being weaker in the Wasted
West - ed note.) At best, it seems like there should be some kind of
_benefit_ for the three additional handicaps that HoE Hucksters pick
up. The entry states that the manitous are more powerful: shouldn't
that mean the Hex effects become more powerful as well? *shrug* It just
seems like the Hucksters got kinda...neutered in Junkman. Why would
anyone want to play them giving the revisions made? - Steve Crow

A) Well, it really wasn't meant to be that attractive a proposition--
there's a reason hucksters are rare in the Wasted West. I included it
primarily for the sake of completeness. Since I had mentioned that many
early junkers were hucksters (and the main rulebook refers to them
getting there power from manitous) I felt I should include the option
(or I'd get e-mail asking me where it was :) ).

I also wasn't aware of the revisions being made to the hucksters when I
wrote TJC. Given the new system makes things easier on hucksters, I'd
change the penalty in TJC to be only the +4 to all Backlash rolls.
[John Hopler, HoE listserv, 6/28/99]

Randy Mosiondz | mosiondz@shaw.ca | ICQ 2585758

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