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Re: [HOE] "Apocalypse Now" Scenario, stones weakness

post is pg-13

i'm telling you his weakness is that certain crude medal object shuved up a 
certain crude orifice, but more seriously i dont think his weakness is as 
near as important as what it costs the party to kill stone, like a personal 
decision to damn oneself to do it, like mabye a pc has to sacrifice his 
humanity to do it, kind of like stone has done. and lets not forget all the 
innocents that would, or more aptly should be killed in the adventure. like 
most of the people the pc's care about.  and then you have the pc's 
themselves how many of the party actualy survive the battle. and it would be 
a battle of epic proportions and not just some 3 round combat.

>From: "Jeff Shoffner" <shoffner@esper.com>
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
>Subject: Re: [HOE] "Apocalypse Now" Scenario
>Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:33:30 -0400
>Much better posting response, Mr. Wallace.  Thank you for the spoiler space
>and warning.
>probably not any spoiler but be warned.  Heck, I'm not even going to give
>the extra lines....
>To the others, he does have a point.  Aside from Devil's Tower, what has
>Stone done in HOE?  Hey!  maybe redo Unity such that you have to go to
>Houston instead of Denver, & fight off Stone all the way.  But all of this
>does bring up some ideas for a Stone weakness.  I stated before the
>vulnerability being a 13th Alabama Infantry weapon.  How about this: any
>gunslinger who calls him out has the potential to kill him too--ounce of
>lead in the head does the trick, but of course getting it there before 
>kills you first is the trick.
>Jeff S
>-----Original Message-----
>From: james wallace <yelost1@hotmail.com>
>To: hoe@gamerz.net <hoe@gamerz.net>
>Date: Friday, July 26, 2002 6:58 PM
>Subject: Re: [HOE] "Apocalypse Now" Scenario
> >ok everybody with sensitive eyes this post is rated nc-17/MA so if your a
> >little well anal retentive, don't go any further.
> >language spoiler if your parent don't give you permission don't go any
> >further.
> >X
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> >ok. now then as for stone being important to the hoe world, how.  what in
> >the name of god has that walking maggot farm done since the heart of
> >darkness campaign. nothing, oh wait i forgot, he killed that hunter in 
> >north that killed wendigos.  real important. i mean if he was so 
> >to the deadlands hoe world he would be in the unity. SPOILER SPACE>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >i mean after all what would be more important than retrieving a box that
> >all of your bosses stuck in it, then again maybe he got tired of working
> >them and retired, but i didn't think that was an option.  i mean
> >did it but is he still a big servitor and as for him not going to banshee
> >well if he is important we might find out in 2005 when they finally get
> >colony published.  stone was created for a reason, has he accomplished 
> >reason, yes. he and his clone brought about hoe and that is it, after 
> >he existed solely for the purpose of keeping high powered and experienced
> >PCs in check and by the way if he is a plot device then screw stating 
> >he kills your PCs and moves on, he ghosts or burrows and attacks them 
> >position that the characters have no chance in hell of surviving. sound
> >tough, well tough, he is stone he kills lots of $h!+. raven is about the
> >only think that does not tremble in his wake. and as for that stick in my
> >ass i rather enjoy it thank you very much.  when i squirm around it rubs 
> >against my male g-spot and whoooooooooo.  and don't even compare darth
> >to stone, stone is a cheap clint eastwood rip off and vader is the 
> >man you blasphemous templar(and in the game i play in that is a insult).
> >
> >
> >>From: Joey Fanning <wraith530@comcast.net>
> >>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
> >>To: HOE mailing List <hoe@gamerz.net>
> >>Subject: Re: [HOE] "Apocalypse Now" Scenario
> >>Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 00:24:08 -0400
> >>
> >>Allow me to be the first, mr. wallace, to tell you to pull that stick 
> >>of
> >>your ass.  First off, I, and i'm sure others, don't appreciate those 
> >>of
> >>comments.  And secondly, stone is a vital component to the HOE world.  
> >>sending him to lost colony would be like not sending darth vader to the
> >>second death star.  I just don't want to hear some of the things in your
> >>post..
> >>
> >>
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> >> unsubscribe hoe@gamerz.net
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> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                              SOCKO!!!!!!!
> >
> >
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