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Re: [HOE] Glow Bones

Massive, I beleive. It doesn't say specificly, but that's how I'd work
it. Either that or always to the guts.

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 18:54:13 -0700 "Christopher Merrill"
<fuzyn9feet@earthlink.net> writes:
> Again I was playing around with the idea of the Harrowed Grundy as an 
> Enemy
> and I like the Glow Bones power (fits his Cult o' Doom history and
> hand-to-hand style fighting) from the Cyborgs book. In the 
> description it
> says that the damage is to all targets in range, but it is in one 
> location
> or massive damage? It's so much nastier as a mas-damage attack but 
> it may be
> too powerful that way. What do you guy think?
> Christopher Merrill
> A W.H.A.T.T. Member
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