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Re: [HOE] Templar Roll Call! again...

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, David R Goecke wrote:

> I've gotten great responce to my Templar Roll Call. Thanks to all who
> participated. I've collected 21 templar!

My posse's sole Templar is Cally, a very young (near the bottom end for a
Templar) female templar who tends to travel in secrecy as a habit, and is
almost depressingly average in appearance.

She is likely to to get chastised when she gets to boise for her general
reluctance to reveal herself when the cause is right... Carrying a sword
is all well and good, but the Templars have a duty to make themselves
known when necessary. She'll get a talking to later.

On the plus side she has never abused her title...

Her major personal goal is finding her sister, which has led her (and the
posse she drags along with her) into the northwest to a secret town where
an insane kung-fu master is training an army and attempting to join then
backstab the Combine... Her next journey will be to Junkyard to follow the
scattered clues she's received.