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Re: [HOE] Unity Spoilers in Lost Colony


Ok, while we're Clint-bashing, see I agree with Crash and Bob on this one. 
There is no way in Hell that the Unity in my game would have less armor than 
a power armor suit. As far as weight capacity, have you seen the friggin' 
ship? It's not as if it's a package of peanuts, Tyrone!! Its a ship that had 
a crew of hundreds (enough that anyone can play a Banshee syker and they ALL 
rode home on it). The Cthulu reference is refering to demons with STR plus 
2d6 claws. How about whatever it was that killed the Unforgetten 14,15,16 
whatthehellever?? That sucker definitely does a lot more damage. Like Bob 
said, Shane should have just stated flat out NO YOU ARE NOT PUNCHING HOLES 
IN THE SIDE OF MY SHIP SO DEAL!!! How'd we get on this insane tangent 
                                         Peace, Shawn/

>From: "Bobby Edwards" <starwarsvader@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: hoe@gamerz.net
>Subject: Re: [HOE] Unity Spoilers in Lost Colony
>Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 18:50:00 -0500
>spoiler space (you know why?  Cause I can)
>This point is moot.  Not only does it have av3, you divide small arms fire 
>by half, and you have to figure in the fact that the walls of the unity are 
>rather thick.  I personally dont think that Shane really thought about 
>this(but maybe I'm wrong) and should have just said that you couldn't hurt 
>And Clint, does the name Cthulu mean anything to you.
>Hugs and Kisses,
>>From: "Jac Chadwell" <crash01234567890@hotmail.com>
>>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>>To: hoe@gamerz.net
>>Subject: Re: [HOE] Unity Spoilers in Lost Colony
>>Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 18:24:28 -0500
>>Spoiler Space because some players are too stupid not to read titles and 
>>subjects that they shouldn't.
>>Ok if you want me to relate it to things that are forty years post war I 
>>can do better I can relate back to the Wierd west where a bullet proof 
>>vest has AV:2 now It might just be me but I think that with the time 
>>between 1876 and the 2040s they can come up with armor for the internal 
>>walls of a building since that's what the unity basically is with better 
>>AV than a 160 year old bullet proof vest. As for demons just having claws 
>>I think that in hell there are definately going to be things scarier than 
>>demons with claws since Hell is supposedly part of the hunting grounds 
>>where magic comes from I think it is safe to say that some of these demons 
>>are going to have magic of some kind or another which would probably go 
>>through AV:3 I mean 3D6 damage will go through AV:3 and most spells do 
>>much more damage than that so I ask again why would such an advanced and 
>>powerful ship built by the mastermind of mad scientists have the 
>>equivalent armor of a Steam Wagon. I will say again It doesn't make any 
>>damn sense. Which leads me to another topic that has been eating away my 
>>sanity since hell on earth came out. Why has technology not advanced any 
>>from the late 90s to early 2000s I mean cars get the same mileage and look 
>>the same computers havn't advanced medicine hasn't advanced, nothing has 
>>advanced except for things that revolve around the hunting grounds which I 
>>admit mad science would advance faster but hell on earth would have made 
>>mush more sense if you'd based it around the 2020s rather than 2090s 
>>because the even though it wouldn't advance as fast normal science is 
>>going to advance eventually and it isn't goin to jsut stay at the same 
>>level for almost 80 years.
>>>From: "Clint Black" <cblack@ohtinc.com>
>>>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>>>To: hoe@gamerz.net
>>>Subject: Re: [HOE] Unity Spoilers in Lost Colony
>>>Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 17:28:27 -0400
>>>Spoiler Space (because it's considered polite when
>>>discussing information that is not open to players)
>>>On Sat, 17 Aug 2002 00:21:39 -0500
>>>  "Jac Chadwell" <crash01234567890@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Ok Im sorry but the guys at pinnacle must be on crack if
>>> > their saying that
>>> > The interior walls of a space ship have the same AV as
>>> > infantry battle
>>> > armor, Hellstrom might have been derranged but he's by no
>>> > means stupid and
>>> > isn't going to build something that can be destroyed with
>>> > that little
>>> > firepower As for Exerior being AV:3 What are the outside
>>> > walls made out of
>>> > kinetic weave or something I mean they have personal
>>> > power armor that gives
>>> > AV:10. So I ask again Why Does a Ship that was made to go
>>> > through hell only
>>> > Have an AV of 3 It doesn't make sense at all.
>>>It completely makes sense.  Hell doesn't have Surface to Air
>>>missiles; it has demons.  And even a demon with claws that
>>>do Str+2d6 damage, couldn't hurt the Unity.
>>>Hellstrome was not stupid at all.  He built the ship to
>>>fight *his* enemy, and keeping the armor as low as possible
>>>gave him more weight that could be allocated to his fighting
>>>forces.  Faustian Devices *are* limited in the weight they
>>>can carry.
>>>Plus, you're comparing a ship that is over 40 years old to
>>>"modern" military equipment.  It's just not a valid
>>>comparison, and that doesn't even touch on the unfounded
>>>analogy of ground vehicular armor (power armor) versus
>>>aircraft armor.
>>>Of course, besides the logical flaws, none of your arguments
>>>are aided by your derogatory comments.  Perhaps you should
>>>rethink your position and technique.
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