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Re: [HOE] A Templar's Weapon

>i had a friend who created a Templar and used a Sharp's Big .50 in a two
>hand sword.  His influence:  Dahgo (sp?) from FarScape.  Now, I need a
>belongings for the Nicholas D. Wolfwood "cross full of weapons."  it has a
>machine gun (longer part), rocket launcher (shorter part), and probably 10
>pistols (5/shorter arms).  Anyone needing a reference to Nicholas D.
>Wolfwood see "Trigun," an anime.

Belongin's would be equal to the sum of the weapons' cost plus whatever it takes
to get a full-body Samson system, because there's no way in hell a real person
could carry and use all that crap.

What do you need 10 pistols for?

--Robert Holland