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Re: [HOE] Translations

I don't have the language skills to do any translations, but for those who
have done some of these translations I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to
"nationalize" some of the words. After all the source and origin of some of
these words would be a direct invention from the USA. Often American
English words and slang get pulled into other languages with, perhaps,
slight modification.

For example, Syker is something of a slang for Psychic Warrior, which
Stephen graciously translated as "Psi-Krieger". Would there be a
Germanic way of trying to say Syker (although Syker seems a fairly
legitimate Germanized word without modification, if you ask me ever
so humble and uninformed opinion)? Or would there be a German way
of making Psi-Krieger into a slang word, such a Sykrieg? Or We have
Junker translated to Technik-Druiden (which is very legitimate for the
way some Junkers view themselves, which is to say they call
themselves Techno-Mages). Would there be a valid way of saying
"The Junkman" in a slang way in German, since the name Junker
sticks primarily because those folks would be walking around with
what looks like a bunch of Junk to the uninitiated? Same of
Hexslinger... Hexermann? Hexmann? Hexemann?

Just some thoughts that I hope might help. Oh and since it seems that
there is such a strong inventive spirit within the American culture of
Deadlands it seems to me that it wouldn't be out of the question for
parts of the American paradigm to enter into common worldwide usage
among practitioners who learn to utilize the "Hunting Grounds". So while
it may seem another culture in out modern connotation would call the
Hunting Grounds something different (Valhalla, the Underworld, The
Force), the Hunting Grounds might be the more accepted usage
worldwide because of the prevalence of American influence in
exploration and discovery of that magical plane.

Just some things to think about, I guess.

Lenny Zimmermann