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I had a charcter(notice i use the word had) that was a harrowed doomsayer now one of the party members decided it was a good idea to fit a fetter inside of me( yes i agree a total arse when i had total dominion) now i just wanted as many peoples opionions on what would happen when you EMP the fetter? some say that you are dead for good and others say that the manitou is free inside your head again to cause as much havoc as he likes! the only argument i have for a fetter not killing the manitou is this. when a manitou is trapped inside the fetter he is tide to  the fetter, the only problem i have with this just because something is placed inside of something else does that mean when you destroy the packaging, you destroy whats inside it as well (yes lofty i am fishing but why not 9 grit down the pan because of a buttfuck)the arguement is. Just becsause the fetter is broke, why does that stop the manitou from getting out? It is meant to be a demon after all!